
A glorified doodle…

Adult coloring books are big sellers these days…  make your own!

Draw some fun, intersecting lines with various media  — thick markers, thin markers, color pencils, crayons, etc. — color in the shapes — think about lights and darks and what colors you put next to each other — add some polka dots, stripes or textures — just have fun coloring!



I love making marks each day…

…making a digital mark with this “abz paperless sketchbook journal”

…making a mark in my “abz sketchbook bible” — a blank bible given to me

…making the mark for the day in my current “abz book of days” — each day of the year gets a page and I return to “today’s page” year after year — so layer after layer builds up each year and it is never really finished, until I am finished!

…making a mark in my continuous sketchbook journal — currently on abz sketchbook journal number 92

I change the media each day to keep things interesting. My current media includes…

1 Prismacolor marker — they are arranged light to dark, so the next darker one gets picked for today

1 Sharpie oil base paint marker — gets picked by random from the ziplock bag in which they are stored

1 Sharpie permanent marker — gets picked as I go down the tray in which they are stored, colors arranged from light to dark per each color

1 flourescent gelly roll pen — gets picked by random

2 fine line Stabilo pens — one light, one dark — picked at random

1 Prismacolor stick — arranged dark to light, so the next lighter one gets picked for today

1 Prismacolor pencil — from a set I had in college — the tallest one gets to be the color for the day!

1 Prismacolor pencil picked from the six major colors, plus white, arranged along the color spectrum starting with white, yellow, green, etc.)

I have been doing this picking of media process for years. It encourages color combinations I would never pick, it offers a variety of line, shape and texture, and… it helps me get the most milage out of my art supplies!

Many of the doodle pages in my sketchbooks are done with this method…

abz.ps. spread