
abz at work with sketchbookabz shadw.w.skbk.ipad

Defining the title…

That’s me… Andrew Brian Zampier…
Marianist brother, artist, lover of sketchbooks and things creative. I was born in Utica, NY and grew up in Barneveld. I have always loved my initials. I sign my work “abz” — all lower case letters, no periods. That makes it a little different and it has become my own personal logo.

In going paperless, I can share all sorts of things by scanning them, taking a digital picture, or drawing on my iPad. Paper is saved, while at the same time it is shared around the world.

This is a place where I can experiment with my creativity.
It does not have to be perfect. It just is.

I also enjoy words, writing, and reflecting about my life.

This blog starts with the beginning of the second year of the “abz paperless sketchbook journal.” Starting on 21 January 2012, with the idea of designing and sharing one image from my life each day in an album on my Facebook page, I have managed to keep it up for an entire year. To see earlier posts, visit the “abz paperless sketchbook: year one” album on the “A. Brian Zampier” Facebook page.

This “paperless sketchbook journal” is a wonderful creative tool. I have always loved cartooning and have had aspirations of becoming a New Yorker cartoonist. Here is a chance to try out my own brand of creative cartooning. I was curious if I had the stamina to post one image every day for a whole year and by the grace of God, I did it!

Keeping a traditional sketchbook journal has turned into a life long creative art project. I am currently on sketchbook journal number 100! My first sketchbook dates back to December 1974 and I now have an archive of almost 15,000 pages. It is a visual and written history of my life. When I give sketchbook journal presentations, I usually bring along samples of sketchbook journals dating back 5, 15, 25, and 35 years from the actual date of the presentation. It becomes an abz mini sketchbook journal retrospective. From here I can review my life, make connections, and show the creative potential of keeping a sketchbook journal.

Taking advantage of the current technology has opened up a whole new creative life for me. With the “abz paperless sketchbook,” I am able to share my sketchbooks — past and present, digital photos (sometimes manipulated with funny captions), collected images, and creative energy with the world! It is an exciting challenge to think up the next posting (or series of posts).

21 January 2018 marks the beginning of year seven.

abz and sketchbooks.jpgabz.ps.2.193.tot.blind.self.prt.no.glassabz.ps.2.194.sad abz.self.portabz.ps.2.195.grinning abz.self.port  abz.ps. abz.ps.3.27.2 abz.ps.323. Maryland ave snowman abz and ring in spring abz in big chair tbt in front of my room

12 August 2003 – 7 August 2014
“abz” art ministry at Marianist Galleries in Kirkwood, Missouri.
Working with Bro. Mel Meyer, doing my own work, and helping coordinate the distribution of Bro. Mel’s art after his death on 12 October 2013.

September – December 2014
On sabbatical at Mercy Center in Colorado Springs. Where I was exposed to needle felting for the first time.

I am currently living in San Antonio, Texas with ministry at the National Archives Marianist Province of the United States at St. Mary’s University as a Social Media Archivist. My goals is to preserve, promote and inspire Marianist creativity around the world through postings on our Facebook page. I also continue with my own art, the giving of sketchbook journal workshops, and the posting of images on Instagram.

The practice of keeping a sketchbook journal promotes private reflection, experimentation, and creative development across all media, cultures, and ages. I love giving sketchbook journal workshops. They are designed to help anyone make marks to capture their life inside and out. Through the promotion of blind contour, cartoon, and imagination mark making along with writing, collage and digital mark making & photography, I open new doors to expand creativity.

If you are interested in attending a sketcbhook journal workshop or designing one for your group, community or organization, feel free to contact me at a.brian.zamp@gmail.com

Andrew Brian Zampier: 25th Jubilee Reflection Portfolio

22 comments on “About

  1. Joe says:

    Good idea

  2. elizabeth shands (and Melanie) says:

    Love your work, and thank you for the tour yesterday. Liz and Melanie

  3. elizabeth shands (and Melanie) says:

    Brother Brian, How can I get your blog to come to my phone/email everyday?

  4. johndyess says:

    Andrew,I’m a member of Webster Groves Christian Church and I am currently the curator of our
    gallery. I’m beginning to schedule upcoming shows in our gallery and and if you are interested would like to display your art in our gallery. I hope to hear from you about this and would also like to get together with you and our pastor to talk about your art.

    • abz says:

      Hello John…
      Thank you for your interest in my work. I work Mon.- Friday, 8-4 at Marianist Galleries on the campus of St. John Vianney High School.(I am also there on some Saturdays, 10-4) Have you been to the gallery? Stop on by…just give us a call at 314.965.0877… to set up a time.
      peace, Brian (my first name is Andrew, but I go by Brian)

  5. johndyess says:

    Brian,I’ll give you a call and would like to bring Pastor Jeff Moore along to visit the gallery.

  6. johndyess says:

    Brian,this is short notice, but if you are available, pastor Jeff Moore of Webster Groves Christian Church has time this afternoon and we would like to visit you gallery today and talk with you and look at art. If you are not available today I will contact you for a future time. Saturdays Jeff is usually not available. I also left you a message on the gallery phone.

  7. Ronald Isom says:

    Brian, I really enjoyed our meeting and it was great seeing Brother Mel. Your work is fascinating and I enjoyed reading your posts. Ron

  8. Candace Reiter says:

    Brother Brian, I had the pleasure of meeting you & touring the gallery with my family today. I am very drawn to your work. It is elegant in its simplicity. In describing it to my husband, I likened it to New Yorker cartoons. I was not surprised to see that that had been one of your earlier aspirations. I can’t wait to share your gallery with others. Thank you for bringing some brightness to an otherwise dreary, cold February day 😊

  9. alittlewigalroomDon Wigal says:

    Hi Brian: I find here in your work a breath of the cheerful. Colorful. Playful. An air of innocence. A sense of wonder. A bit of adoration and prayer. Yet no nonsense. These qualities are also why I wrote of Paul Klee, albeit that work is now only in Japanese. Tis nice to have your work in English or in the universal of color fine and form. Insert a joyful sound here. Don Wigal

  10. jan gray says:

    Hello! Do u ever do on line workshops? Thx!

    • abz says:

      Hello Jan… Have not yet ventured into on line workshops like Danny Gregory.
      I wonder if it is something I should consider…

  11. […] Marianist Brother Andrew Brian Zampier reveals to us what it is like to be in the mind of a creator. We come to know a deeper of understanding of a life in spirituality and creativity. […]

  12. Todd Panning says:

    Hi Brian! I took a class at Riverbend Art Center…… I believe it was Steve Reutschle….colleage of Mike Peters…. and I recall that YOU dropped in one day. Currently I work at an art store in Centerville, Ohio… United Art & Education. Stop by and say hi sometime! ~ Todd Panning.

    • abz says:

      Riverbend was a great place. I am now enjoying San Antonio and working at the National Archives of the Marianist Province of the US at St. Mary’s University.

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